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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Anthony Lund - Batman: Arkham Knight

A middle-aged man struggling with alcoholism stemming from the breakdown of his marriage to his wife, Ophelia, Anthony Lund was originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was abducted by Lazlo Valentin and the Circus of Strange while they were travelling through the city. 

Subjecting him to the long, painful process of systematically lobotomising and transforming him into one of his loyal Dollotrons, Valentin, aka Professor Pyg found Lund had too many "imperfections" for his desire for the "perfect pretty dolls" he was after. 

Wishing to start again from scratch, Pyg turned his attention to his other hostages and victims, killing Lund with an overdose of painkillers that resulted in him going into cardiac arrest. His body was dumped on Merchant's Bridge, strung up and posed like a hunted deer. 

During their city-wide evacuation, several officers reported discovering the body, feeling unnerved by the state of his corpse; burned-off fingerprints, mutilated genitalia, a disfigured face wrapped up in bandages & a white porcelain mask, and dressed in an old blood-stained medical smock. 

Investigating both Lund's body and the crime scene, Batman determined that this was the work of a serial killer, and the classical opera music playing over the nearby intercoms was his calling card. 

Although his body was mutilated to the point that the GCPD could not ascertain a positive ID on Lund, Batman was able to cross-reference the American Missing Person's Database, narrow down the searches with the help of Lund's more personal physical features; minor ear agenesis and scarring from his recent hip replacement procedure. 

Not only was Batman able to avenge Anthony by capturing his killer, but he was also able to save four other people from sharing a similar fate. Pyg was arrested on Halloween, where he was charged with at least six counts of homicide in the first degree; Anthony among them.

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