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Friday, March 22, 2024

Brainiac-5: Original Timeline - Young Justice: Phantoms

Hailing from the 31st Century, Brainiac-5 was a Coludroid member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. 

Fighting against Dru-Zod's attempt to overthrow the United Planets, he helped defeat this rebellion, returning the Kryptonian general and his loyalists to the Phantom Zone. 

His future was drastically altered when Zod's son, Lor, stole a Time Sphere and travelled back in time to murder Conner Kent, the young hero "Superboy" who inspired the Legion to form and fight injustice in the universe. 

However, this blip in the timeline was corrected with Lor's death and Conner's survival, resetting the timeline with a 99.84  

Brainiac-5: Revised Timeline - Young Justice: Phantoms

A Coludroid member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Brainiac 5 is a vastly intelligent and hyper-logical being who specilaises with facts and figures. 

He travelled back to the 21st Century in a Time Sphere to return Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and Chameleon Boy back to their own time, much to their surprise and delight of his teammates, who'd pretty much resigned themselves to their fate of being stuck in the past and beyond any hope of extraction. 

Dreamer - Young Justice: Phantoms

Hailing from New Genesis, Dreamer is a New God and one of the five Forever People, alongside her long-term lover Bear. 

She was a friend and ally of Conner Kent, having met and worked with one another in 2010 to recover technology stolen from New Genesis. Since then they have stayed in touch. 

When New Genesis was under threat from the rogue Kryptonian Lor-Zod, Dreamer and the Forever People came together to form Infinity Man, teaming up with Kilowog and Metron to stop the time-travelling menace before he could power up the Phantom Zone Projector and free his parents from the Phantom Zone. 

After learning that Zod had targeted another location than the one they were guarding, they all Boom Tubed to the Boiling Lake Crater. Though they were too late, Zod - despite failing to rescue his parents from the Zone before the Projector was destroyed - escaped, killing the Green Lantern Tomar-Re out of spite. 

Months later, Dreamer and Bear accepted an invite to Conner and M'gann's wedding, travelling to Earth to celebrate the prestigious occasion with the couple. 

Garfield Lynns - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

A trusted member of Roman Sionis, aka Black Mask's "False Face Society", Garfield "Gar" Lynns was an arsonist and pyromaniac in charge of burning down the Sionis Steel Mill during the group's first reign of terror. 

However before he could start the blaze, he was knocked unconscious by Batman, foiling Sionis' revenge against his deceased parents and Bruce Wayne. 

Garfield, now going by Firefly, would remain in contact with Black Mask over the next several years, returning to the False Face Society whenever called upon. 

Firefly - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

The alter-ego of Garfield Lynns, Firefly was a notorious criminal and pyromaniac operating in Gotham City. Deriving satisfaction and thrills from lighting fires and watching the destruction unfold, he was well known for his overwhelming desire to see everything burn. 

Before wearing his signature costume in the field, he worked with Black Mask, aka Roman Sionis as an enforcer for The False Face Society, using fire and explosives as his primary weapons in the gang's criminal attacks across Gotham. 

Firefly was a persistent thorn in the side of both Batman and his allies. 

Years later, after escaping from Arkham City, Sionis reached out to his old friend and ally with a proposition; to take revenge against the Warden, Professor Hugo Strange and his Tyger forces that had turned Gotham into a violent police state. Eager for this opportunity, and to also taunt Strange in his failure to catch and imprison him in the Supermax, Firefly targeted places of significance for Strange, keeping the Professor distracted long enough to allow for Roman and The False Face Society to hit Tyger shipments and amass enough supplies to escape Gotham for good. 

Heavily invested in the mission, Firefly failed to make the rendezvous at the Gotham Trainyard, forcing Sionis to leave him behind. 

"Corin" - A Midsummer Night's Dream

The form taken by the fairy king, Oberon, during his numerous extra-marital dalliances, "Corin," was a young shepherd who seduced a local maiden, Phillida, with his musical and poetic talents on his corn flute. 

Mr Barnes - Heartstopper

The bumbling headmaster of Truham Grammar School for Boys, Mr Barnes often made his students laugh with his jovial nature and humour. 

Despite the importance of rugby in the school's extra-curricular activities - and having to be constantly reminded of the rules, - he had no clue about how the game was played, voicing as much over the P.A system during the annual Truham-Higgs Sports Day. 

Daisy - Adoption: A Heartstopper Minicomic

On Sunday the 11th of June, Nick Nelson, and his long-term boyfriend (of ten years) Charlie Spring adopted a young puppy from a local animal shelter, naming her Daisy. The pair were super excited by this decision, with the former eager at the prospect of starting a family of their own. 

Bringing her home that same day, the proud parents introduced her to Spring's older sister, Tori, and her partner Michael Holden, who had arranged to come over to their place for the afternoon. 

To mark the momentous occasion, Holden took a picture of the pair on his polaroid camera, printing off the image as a reminder of how happy they had been that day. 

Antoni - Batman: The Long Halloween Part One

A proud enforcer for The Falcone Crime Family and member of Carmine "The Roman" Falcone's inner circle, Antoni was an impulsive, outspoken gangster known for his impetuous decisions and hot temper. 

Believing "The Roman's" judgment to not kill rival mob boss Salvatore "Sal" Maroni and newly elected D.A Harvey Dent - in retaliation for the murder of Johnny Viti - made the crime boss look weak, he voiced his concerns to Carmine during their emergency meeting. Angering Falcone with his tactlessness and disrespect, Carmine's loyal bodyguard Milos Grappa forcibly ejected him from the room, throwing him over a stairwell bannister to his death.

Pied Piper - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint

The alter-ego of Hartley Rathaway, Pied Piper was one of the few costumed vigilantes willing to join Cyborg in his efforts to stop the Amazon/Atlantean war. 

Meeting with the US President to pledge his support for the cause, he was quickly slaughtered alongside his fellow recruits by The Reverse Flash when the speedster attacked the Oval Office. 

Gloria Clark - Gotham Knights

The estranged wife of Erastus Clark, Gloria Clark lived with her sons and husband in Gotham in wealth and comfort. However, their happy family life started to crumble when Erastus began openly questioning his position in the Court of Owls and writing a tell-all expose about their history and operations. 

She watched in despair as her husband descended into obsession, paranoia and madness, enduring his rantings that they were all being stalked and hunted by the Court. 

Fearing for her family's safety Gloria left Gotham with their children, breaking off all communication with Erastus and changing her name. 

Upon learning of her husband's death, she began raising the boys and, later still, their grandchildren to live off the grid. Knowing full well that the Court would not forget or forgive their vendetta against Erastus until everyone in Clark's life was dead and gone, she would constantly adopt new names and upend their lives every few years so that they never stayed in one place for long periods.

The Clark Family - Gotham Knights

Originally a family of modest means, The Clark Family rose to prominence thanks to the creative and artistic talents of their young son Barclay. Championed by the Cobblepots, one of Gotham's greatest establishing families, the young artist was able to get his pieces showcased globally, something he had never dreamed could be possible when he was a child. 

Owing everything to the Cobblepots and the Court of Owls, the Clark Family was bound to their order with unwavering allegiance and loyalty, sharing their values and desires of making Gotham a paragon of culture and beauty that would put other cities to shame. 

Ironically it was in this pursuit of perfection that the Clarks became the Court's biggest misstep, kickstarting events that would help see their organisation falling into disrepair and crippling their hold over Gotham. 

Erastus Clark, Barclay's descendent, long becoming disillusioned with the Court's more brutal, sadistic and greedy ways decided to write a book for The Voice of the Court exposing their shortcomings. He hoped that in doing this, he could help course correct their stagnant and decrepit methods back into their more lofty goals of a new enlightenment. When this backfired and marked him and his family for execution, Clark's loyalty was finally severed. He wanted nothing more than vengeance and to destroy the Court as they had destroyed him, even if it meant posthumously.

Although his manuscript, the Historia Strigidae, was long thought lost, his grandchild continued their scion's work, not out of love for Erastus, as they had none for the architect of his family's misery, but out of an obligation not to let the Court continue their reign of terror over Gotham. 

Using a new name, Clark's grandchild scattered the pages, adding instructions on how best to use the text to bring down the Court. This plea was answered by The Gotham Knights, who used Clark's work to vastly diminish the Court's power in the city, forcing them to retreat back into the shadows. 

  • Barclay Clark
  • Erastus Clark: 
  • Gloria Clark: Left Gotham with their children to start a new life. Changed their name. 
  • 2 Sons: Moved out of Gotham with their mother. Changed their names and lived a life tormented by fear that their father's killers would come for them too. 
  • Grandchild: Forced to change their name after The Court called for the extermination of the Clark Family.

Barclay Clark - Gotham Knights

A prodigious artist, Barclay Clark's talent was recognized early on by the influential Cobblepot family. Their foresight proved accurate, as Barclay's paintings achieved global acclaim, gracing the most prestigious galleries across Europe and Asia. His masterpieces adorn museums, art galleries, and esteemed establishments throughout Gotham City, leaving an indelible mark on its citizens, even in the absence of the Court's presence.

Indebted to the Court for their patronage and resources, Barclay and his family swore loyalty to the Owls. This fealty would continue for generations. However, it all changed with Erastus Clark, who attempted to destroy the Court with an expose of their crimes and corruption.

Tony Zucco - Young Justice: Comics

A notorious mob boss, Tony Zucco's (bn. 1960) business mainly revolved around running a protection racket for all of Gotham's local businesses, whether they were permanent fixtures or not. 

Among those he tried to extort was Haly's International Traveling Circus, demanding that Jack Haly pay them a fee to operate in Gotham. When the ringmaster refused, Zucco made an example of the circus, sabotaging the trapeze for their headline act, The Flying Graysons and killing all but two of their members on April 1st, 2006; Richard "Rick" Grayson and his nephew, Richard "Dick" Grayson. 

When the costumed vigilante Robin (Dick Grayson) debuted as Batman's sidekick, Zucco was one of his earliest victories, shutting down his operation once and for all and avenging his family.

Jim Gordon - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

The father of Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon was known as "the last good cop in Gotham", standing strong against the dishonesty and criminality that threatened to overwhelm the city. That was not enough to keep him alive, leading to his murder by those with ties to the GFS. 

His death was the spark of a revolution, with Barbara leading a vigilante team known as the Outsiders to fight corruption on the front line and in the streets. 

The Outsiders - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A group of vigilantes determined to fight corruption and injustice in their city, The Outsiders, led by Oracle, aka Barbara Gordon, regularly clashed with the GSF in the streets 

Driven by a desire for vengeance, particularly for the murder of Jim Gordon, the last good cop in Gotham, they wished to take action against the architects of their corrupt, broken city, hoping to not only avenge but reclaim their city for the people. 

During a skirmish, they attempted to assassinate Senator Thomas Elliot after his helicopter was shot down in the Old Town, only for their leadership to be broken by the arrival of reinforcements. 

The leader of The Gray Sons, Richard Grayson, killed Cassandra Cain, forcing Tim Drake to flee, vowing to one day settle the score and avenge his dead friend. 

With Oracle in GSF custody, she admitted that while she was not the one responsible for firing the missile that destroyed the helicopter, she knew who was, pointing them in the direction of Redline C.E.O, Jason Todd. 

Tim and the surviving Outsiders regrouped after Elliot's disappearance, continuing their efforts to shift the balance of power. 


  • Barbara Gordon/Oracle
  • Tim Drake 
  • Cassandra Cain

Captain Flass - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

The corrupt Captain of the GSF, Flass was one of the many victims of Batman: The Silenced, who took him hostage as punishment for his misdeeds.  

His disappearance worried Gotham City State's President March, who ordered The Gray Son and his most trusted guard to investigate the kidnapping and the rumours surrounding Thomas Elliot's involvement with The League of Assassins. 

Harvey Dent - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

The Attorney General for Gotham City-State, Harvey Dent was a prominent and celebrated figure in the legal world, renowned for his handsome good looks and charisma. However, many deemed him corrupt and opportunistic, with many seeing him as one of the reasons for such inequalities and divisions among Gotham's citizens. 

On the night of Bruce Wayne's "death", he was one of several influential members of Gotham's elite kidnapped from his house by Wayne and his loyal associates, leaving behind newspaper clippings covering Thomas and Martha's murder as a warning to his priority target; Thomas Elliot. 

Harvey was kept alive by Batman: The Silenced, who sealed him away in a birdcage hanging in the abandoned cave network beneath the dilapidated Wayne family estate.

Duty Cop - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

An honest and decent duty cop who received the call about the Elliot Family's automobile accident, they were murdered on the orders of Elliot's son, Tommy, who wished to eliminate anyone and everyone related to the case. Tommy hoped that with no witnesses, there would be no one to tie him to the assassination of his parents.  

He was avenged by Batman: The Silenced, who took Elliot hostage in the caves beneath the dilapidated Wayne Manor. 

Talia's Father - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A man of immense power and influence, Talia's father was the previous leader of the League of Assassins before his death at the hands of his own daughter, who usurped his role, placing herself as the new leader of the international criminal organisation.

Talia continued to head the League, using his teachings as a basis for her rulership and machinations. 

Redline - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A defence company based in Gotham State City, Redline was founded and owned by their young President, Jason Todd. 

As well as being the GSF's main supplier of military arms and tech, Redline had ties to The League of Assassins, since Talia al Ghul saw Todd as a valuable investment should she need to eliminate her puppets, President Lincoln March and Senator Thomas Elliot. 

Dinah Drake - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A celebrity revered by Gotham Glitterati, Dinah Drake made headlines by dating Jason Todd, accompanying him to the grand opening of The Omnicentre. 

GSF Pilot - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A GSF Pilot operating Senator Thomas Elliot's private helicopter, he was killed when the vehicle was shot out of the sky and crash-landed in the middle of Gotham. 

Jervis Tetch - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A patient at Arkham Asylum under the supervision of Dr Jonathan Crane, Jervis Tetch would often sing a nursery rhyme about the supposed "The Arkham Devil" that dwelled in the shadows of the facility. 

The Elliot Family's Driver - Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush

A driver in the employ of the Elliot Family, he was coerced into murdering Thomas "Tommy" Elliot's parents at the behest of the young boy. However, this went awry when he accidentally gunned down the wrong couple, killing Thomas and Martha Wayne. 

Arrested and awaiting trial for an entirely unrelated crime sometime after the incident, he too was killed on Elliot's orders, silencing him before he could testify against Tommy. 

The Batcave - Gotham Knights

Items of Import:

  • Animatronic T-Rex - What's left of the Batcave's oldest trophy.

After Batman and Robin foiled a murder plot on Dinosaur Island, park owner Murray Hart gifted the dynamic duo a keepsake: A mechanical tyrannosaurus. Later, to monitor the Batcave against intruders, Alfred had audio sensors and cutting-edge cameras installed inside the animatronic dinosaur. 

  • Giant Penny - A memento from a confrontation between Batman, Penny Plunderer and Two-Face.

One of Batman's earlier cases involved Joe Coyne, a conniving thief whose heists saw rare coins vanish from exhibits across Gotham City, earning him the nickname "The Penny Plunderer." Coyne made the mistake of crossing Two-Face in a mad scheme that involved this novelty oversized coin. In the aftermath, Two-Face escaped, Coyne went down on a murder rap and the coin ended up in the Batcave. 

The Spirit of Arkham - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batcomputer Database

The writings have revealed a story that cannot possibly belong to just Amadeus Arkham. The story has weaved through time and ends with an individual who must still be alive and working here on Arkham Island. I need to figure out who it is and confront them before they can do any more harm.

  • Real Name: Quincy Sharp
  • Occupation: Executioner
  • Base of Operations: Arkham Island
  • Eyes:  Blue
  • Hair:   Gray
  • Height: 5 ft 8 in
  • Weight: 190 lbs

Quincy Sharp has long been hiding a secret. Doctors had previously diagnosed him with a schizophrenic personality disorder, but he chose to ignore it. "How could someone of his importance be ill like the dogs in his asylum?"

On taking over the administration of Arkham Asylum, he became obsessed with the hidden writings of Amadeus Arkham. As he read more of these memoirs, he became almost two people; one dedicated to curing Gotham, the other desiring only to eradicate "the evil of insanity" from Arkham. 

In his demented state, The Spirit of Arkham has stalked and killed patients, his ultimate goal being to kill The Joker. It is possible the rational side of his personality is not even aware of this dark, destructive force within him.

  • Intense dedication to "cleaning up" Arkham.
  • An alternate personality that is prepared to kill patients to facilitate "the cure". 
  • Contempt and disgust for all forms of psychiatric disorder that is rooted in self-loathing.

Chronicles of Arkham: 

I am the Spirit of Amadeus Arkham. Through my actions, I have saved this cursed city, though my own curse is to forever remain in the shadows. My story is carved into the very soul of Arkham and will only be revealed to those dedicated enough to discover it. 

My family's blood ran through the heart of Gotham. We were doctors, politicians, and teachers; we were the organ cleaning the arterial filth from the city. We have been its servants giving all to protect it. And it has still chosen to hurt us. 

As Gotham's veins slowly filled with pain and suffering. the effects were felt everywhere. My father fell first, infected by some foul disease; my mother lived on, but only in a dream. I returned to the family home to care for her where she remained in her bed for as long as her body continued to breathe. Her tears kept me awake at night. 

My journey lasted little over a month. Visiting academics in both Metropolis and Keystone, I was exposed to a wealth of new ideas. I began my day returning home in good spirits, eager to see my wife and family. I ended it kneeling in blood, broken fragments of my life pouring through dripping red fingers. 

I returned to my work, but I could not shake the pictures from my mind. I should have been repulsed, but I was more eager than ever to find an explanation for why someone would do this. 

They brought the animal before me, shameless and barking like a mad dog. For what felt like days I endured his boasts. He took pleasure in recounting his actions, cataloguing his depraved crimes. What should have been revenge turned to pity. This poor dog needed my help. 

The island changed little over the years. Its reputation was in tatters, but I vowed to fix it. As the buildings were rebuilt I saw the future, a bright wonderful future.

New brick, metal, and paint covered old wounds. Fresh blood was injected into the body. Bright new minds came and all swore to uphold our promises. We all knew we were the ones to fix this city. And the city would thank us. 

My family's killer stood in front of me. Years of therapy have deemed him sane. I was proud to see him walk free. In exchange for his liberty, the state required only a signature. He talked about wanting to walk in a park, how he longed to feel fresh air on his face, and then he took my father's fountain pen and killed my secretary. As he was subdued, he screamed out, pleading for forgiveness, for pity, but I had none. I watched as guards beat him to a stain on the floor. 

Spring was a turning point, a new beginning, a glorious realization of my true destiny. My family's killer perished in an unfortunate accident. These animals can not be cured. Like dogs, they only respond to discipline. And if that fails, then I was afraid that these accidents would have to continue. 

I took a walk around my island. I passed by the penitentiary and felt nauseous at the thought of the filth it contained. I looked out over the Gotham Bay and in the distance I saw lights, no doubt bringing more filthy degenerates to my city. I swore again to protect her from this darkness. 

I argued with the latest group of young, eager doctors. they bored me with theories and ideas, proving that they had no theories on how to cure these animals. Only one shared my vision. I offered her the chance to explore her dreams. She accepted. We'll make a good team. 

The Gotham police dragged a new patient to the island. They said he was responsible for the disappearance of hundreds of the city's vagrants. As I looked at his disgusting body, all scales and teeth, my mind ran free, dreaming of delicious punishments to break this monster. Doctors gathered around, poking it, examining it, but only I knew what would cure him once and for all. 

The beast was too strong. His animal savagery nearly cost me my life. I took my frustrations out on a lone patient. His case notes suggested he was a paranoid schizophrenic. His pleas as I beat him to death suggested much more. His confessions were illuminating. My path was clear. 

Every day I found the patients more distracting. Their insane mutterings and constant twitching disgusted me. There was only one way to cure this evil, only one way to purify the city and ensure its future. I needed to prepare myself. I needed to be ready. 

I had a sudden pang of conscience. I sought counsel from my priest on the choices I had made. I asked him if it was a sin to kill in order to save a life. the holy man said that all life was sacred, but a judgement would not be upon my soul if I acted to save another. I left the confessional with my soul uplifted, convinced more than ever I am doing a service not only to mankind but to God as well. 

I watched in silence as he brought in the woman. Her skin was now a venomous green. The wanton creature no longer looked like a human being, much less a woman. The Bible says, 'Suffer not a witch to live,' yet he has once again delivered this female atrocity into our care. Once I have dealt with the monster, I think it will be time to see if green wood does, in fact, burn. 

Sitting in the darkness outside of his cell, I watched the crazed twitching; I listened to the disgusting words that came from his mouth. How can I let a dirty animal like this live? He is the cancer I have sworn to protect this city from. 

Curse me for a fool. How could I not see it until now? The monster had a confederate! I hid in the darkness near his cell and saw with my own eyes one of the doctors whispering to him. She looked at him through the transparent barrier with tenderness, with, dare I say, desire. My skin crawled with revulsion as she kissed the glass. Fighting the urge to dash the woman's head through the glass, I let her continue; the damnable clown might have shared secrets with her that would be useful once the mad dog has been executed. I'm sure the woman will reveal what she knows to me. If not willingly, then certainly under electronic persuasion. After that, a lobotomy, I think. Unfortunate for one so young, but her lust has put the reputation of Arkham at stake. Yes. A lobotomy, the very thing. There is no other way to ensure her silence in this regrettable matter. 

Yet again I found myself watching him. No, we can't provide a cure. He laughs in the face of those who try. Amadeus would not have let him live and neither should I. One last sip of cognac and I was ready. 

He watched as I entered the cell. He smiled as I showed him the knife, I told him how I will use it. How I will cleanse this city. And then ... Terror. I was paralyzed. I struggled. I screamed, but I was silent. The monster looked at me, expressionless. He ran my blade slowly across my forehead; a smile cracked across his horrible porcelain face and I heard the filth fall from his mouth. He laughed and called me that horrible name. 

It must have been Crane, another one who doesn't deserve to live. Why do these people thrive on chaos? Joker in particular desired anarchy and, since his escape, will no doubt wreak it upon my city. I feel this is the end for my diary. Joker will be recaptured and my story will be told. I am not afraid. If Arkham becomes my cell, then I will know I did my best. I will be remembered. 

I am the Spirit of Amadeus Arkham. Even though Amadeus had long since passed, his spirit lived on, surviving, moving through the walls of his asylum. When it chose me, I felt proud. I was honoured to continue his work. To cleanse this city. If you are strong-willed enough to follow my tales, you are strong-minded enough to deduce my identity. Come and find me, friend. Together we will save Gotham. 

My name is Quincy Sharp, the Spirit of Amadeus Arkham. You have done well to decipher my story and I pray it has helped you on your path. I trust that through my writings you will do what is right. Please. I implore you.  Continue my work. This city deserves a saviour; continue my work! 

Quincy Sharp - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batcomputer Database:

  • Real Name: Quincy Sharp 
  • Occupation: Warden of Arkham Asylum
  • Base of Operations: Gotham City
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Gray
  • Height: 5 ft 8 
  • Weight: 190 lb 
  • First Appearance: Arkham Asylum (Summer, 2009) 

Quincy Sharp has been running Arkham Asylum for the past three years and has dedicated his life to restoring to sanity the so-called supervillains that plague Gotham City. He is currently campaigning to become the next mayor of Gotham; to facilitate this campaign, he has instigated stringent new security and experimental research policies at Arkham. 
  • Intense dedication to "cleaning up" Arkham
  • Pompous and old-fashioned in demeanour, with a focus on his own political aspirations 
  • Contempt for Arkham inmates and disinterest in the specifics of their treatment masks a cowardly nature