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Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Mad Hatter - Batman: Arkham Unhinged

The nomme-de-guerre of Jervis Tetch, The Mad Hatter was a cruel and sadistic man who thought he was the real life embodiment of Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter. Focusing his crimes around hats, tea and Wonderland, he wished nothing more than to find “his Alice.” To do this, he would go about kidnapping blond women he deemed to look like the titular character, killing them when they no longer did what he wanted. 

A frequent enemy of Batman, he would implement many of the principles and theories he learned about as a former neuroscientist, stripping people of their free will and turning them into mindless puppets loyal to him. 

Over the years, he would work with other like minded individuals, forming the rag tag team dubbed The Wonderland Gang. 

Following the closure of Arkham Asylum, The Mad Hatter was transferred to Arkham City.

With only a few mind controlled henchmen and no real power of his own within the prison, The Mad Hatter attempted to capture and break Batman’s mind and spirit, turning the vigilante into his very own Dark Knight. However, this plan ended disastrously, with an irate Batman incapacitating Tetch, before leaving him lying unconscious in his apartment. 

Berating himself for his shift in priorities, Tetch concluded that he needed to redouble his efforts and find Alice, who he believed was somewhere in Arkham City waiting to be found. 

Setting his sights on Vicki Vale, who he had seen talking with Batman earlier that evening, he ordered Tweedledee and Tweedledum to bring the Channel 3 reporter to the Hat Shop, taking up his former haberdashery as his new base of operations. 

While this was going on, he set about procuring his other guests. Kidnapping Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, Jenna Duffy and GCPD Officer Ruiz, he placed them in a hypnotic daze, dressing them up as notable figures from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. 

With the last of his victims dressed and assembled, much to the displeasure of Vale who called him perverted for changing her clothes while she was unconscious, he set about performing the finishing touches to his plan. 

Springing the trap, The Mad Hatter gassed Batman with a modified version of The Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin, forcing him to endure a horrific nightmare that would push him to his very limits. 

Yet, even with this advantage, he was still no match for the vigilante, who used a sonic batarang to destroy the Hatter’s Master Controller, freeing all his victims from their trance. Terrified and outmatched he fled into Arkham City, first attempting to hide in the sewers and later in the backstreets. Though he was never truly safe, constantly pursued by those seeking revenge against the man who had stolen their free will. 

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