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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Powers Club - Gotham Knights

Items of Import: 

  • Virginia Creeper Cutting; Parthenocissus quinquefolia, otherwise known as the Virginia Creeper 

A species of flowering vine from the family Vitaceae. Commonly mistaken for poison ivy, the Virginia Creeper is found in swamps and bottomlands across southeastern Canada and the eastern United States, including Gotham's own Slaughter Swamp, where creeping vines are the least of visitors' worries. Whatever goes on in the Swamp, it has clearly impacted the flora.

  • Gotham by Gaslight; History of Gotham City in the nineteenth century

The 1800s were a fascinating and tumultuous time in Gotham City. 

This popular history textbook explores multiple notable events throughout the century, including the tenement typhoid epidemic, the unsolved mystery of the Gotham graverobbers, and the story of the Runaway, one of the era's most interesting and elusive outlaws.

  • Statue of Athena; Sculpture of the Greek goddess of wisdom
A Roman replica of the original Greek sculpture of the goddess Athena, late fourth or early fifth century BCE. 

The patron goddess of the city-state of Athens, Athena was associated with wisdom, strategy, and warfare. Though the sculpture traditionally depicts Athena brandishing a spear, this altered figure depicts the goddess holding an owl, an image of wisdom and one of Athena's most recognizable symbols.

The lceberg Lounge - Gotham Knights

Batcomputer Database: 

Before it became The lceberg Lounge, the building was home to the Gotham Customs House. At one point, the land was part of a proposal for a new waterfront public park, but the project was left in limbo due to soil toxicity. A few years later, after an unusually short application process, Oswald Cobblepot swooped in and bought the property. Turns out he had bribed the inspector to falsify the soil report so he could buy the land for cheap. He demolished part of the building and rebuilt it around his new nightclub to make it look partly like an iceberg. The main club space offers good vantage points if we ever need to navigate the building covertly. Oswald has since been conducting all his business (both legal and illegal) from the Iceberg Lounge. The building is guarded 24/7 despite Oswald's claims to have gone legit. Regardless, he remains a valuable source of information.

Items of Import: 

  • Cobblepot Family Portrait, Circa Late 1930s

Cobblepot patriarch Theodore with his family, celebrating his second term as Mayor of Gotham City in the late 1930s. 

As the heir to the Cobblepot Steel "robber baron" empire, Theodore wielded significant influence over Gotham even before he began his political career. Two generations later, the family legacy passed to Oswald's father, Tucker. Oswald was disowned in his teens due to his penchant for violent criminality.

  • Custom-made Trick umbrellas

A mechanism in the handle releases a hidden blade.

Oswald's compulsive need to carry an umbrella apparently traces back to his grandfather, who caught a fatal case of pneumonia in a rainstorm. Years later, The Penguin developed a fondness for weaponised umbrellas. Inspired by KGB assassinations in the 1970s, some of his prized pieces feature poisoned tips, concealed blades, and firing pins for bullets and other deadly projectiles. Today Cobblepot keeps his collection mostly as mementos of his colorful past. Or so he says.

The Penny Plunderer - Gotham Knights

Joe Coyne, aka The Penny Plunderer, was a notorious thief remembered for a series of bizarre heists that targeted rare coins from exhibits across Gotham. It was this unique modus operandi that earned him his moniker.

While he was one of Batman's earliest cases, his legacy would always be that his final confrontation with the Dark Knight led his adversary to obtain one of the Batcave's most famous mementoes; a novelty, oversized coin. 

This ill-fated scheme, where he foolishly crossed paths with former District Attorney Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face, resulted in his arrest and conviction on the grounds of theft and one count of murder. 

Patrick Wayne - Gotham Knights

The founder of Wayne Enterprises and the champion for the construction of Wayne Tower, Patrick Wayne grew the company to become a powerhouse of innovation and business and a key player in Gotham's corporate landscape. 

Following his death, he would bequeath Wayne Enterprise to his son Thomas, who would do the same for his son, Bruce.

Giovanni "John" Zatara - Gotham Knights

The grandson of the legendary stage magician Luigi Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara was a renowned magician who carried forward his family's magical legacy. With a bloodline steeped in magic, he lived up to his heritage with an act that was celebrated for its spectacle and wonder.

Throughout the 1980s, John Zatara toured extensively, captivating audiences with his performances. His shows were not just acts, but experiences that left spectators in awe.

One of his earliest known performances took place at the Monarch Theater in Gotham City. During this performance, a trick malfunctioned and accidentally started a fire. However, the fire was extinguished before the arrival of the first responders. This incident sparked rumours that Zatara possessed real magical abilities, only adding to his mystique and allure.

Anthony Lund - Batman: Arkham Knight

A middle-aged man struggling with alcoholism stemming from the breakdown of his marriage to his wife, Ophelia, Anthony Lund was originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was abducted by Lazlo Valentin and the Circus of Strange while they were travelling through the city. 

Subjecting him to the long, painful process of systematically lobotomising and transforming him into one of his loyal Dollotrons, Valentin, aka Professor Pyg found Lund had too many "imperfections" for his desire for the "perfect pretty dolls" he was after. 

Wishing to start again from scratch, Pyg turned his attention to his other hostages and victims, killing Lund with an overdose of painkillers that resulted in him going into cardiac arrest. His body was dumped on Merchant's Bridge, strung up and posed like a hunted deer. 

During their city-wide evacuation, several officers reported discovering the body, feeling unnerved by the state of his corpse; burned-off fingerprints, mutilated genitalia, a disfigured face wrapped up in bandages & a white porcelain mask, and dressed in an old blood-stained medical smock. 

Investigating both Lund's body and the crime scene, Batman determined that this was the work of a serial killer, and the classical opera music playing over the nearby intercoms was his calling card. 

Although his body was mutilated to the point that the GCPD could not ascertain a positive ID on Lund, Batman was able to cross-reference the American Missing Person's Database, narrow down the searches with the help of Lund's more personal physical features; minor ear agenesis and scarring from his recent hip replacement procedure. 

Not only was Batman able to avenge Anthony by capturing his killer, but he was also able to save four other people from sharing a similar fate. Pyg was arrested on Halloween, where he was charged with at least six counts of homicide in the first degree; Anthony among them.