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Friday, March 22, 2024

The Batcave - Gotham Knights

Items of Import:

  • Animatronic T-Rex - What's left of the Batcave's oldest trophy.

After Batman and Robin foiled a murder plot on Dinosaur Island, park owner Murray Hart gifted the dynamic duo a keepsake: A mechanical tyrannosaurus. Later, to monitor the Batcave against intruders, Alfred had audio sensors and cutting-edge cameras installed inside the animatronic dinosaur. 

  • Giant Penny - A memento from a confrontation between Batman, Penny Plunderer and Two-Face.

One of Batman's earlier cases involved Joe Coyne, a conniving thief whose heists saw rare coins vanish from exhibits across Gotham City, earning him the nickname "The Penny Plunderer." Coyne made the mistake of crossing Two-Face in a mad scheme that involved this novelty oversized coin. In the aftermath, Two-Face escaped, Coyne went down on a murder rap and the coin ended up in the Batcave. 

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