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Friday, March 22, 2024

The Clark Family - Gotham Knights

Originally a family of modest means, The Clark Family rose to prominence thanks to the creative and artistic talents of their young son Barclay. Championed by the Cobblepots, one of Gotham's greatest establishing families, the young artist was able to get his pieces showcased globally, something he had never dreamed could be possible when he was a child. 

Owing everything to the Cobblepots and the Court of Owls, the Clark Family was bound to their order with unwavering allegiance and loyalty, sharing their values and desires of making Gotham a paragon of culture and beauty that would put other cities to shame. 

Ironically it was in this pursuit of perfection that the Clarks became the Court's biggest misstep, kickstarting events that would help see their organisation falling into disrepair and crippling their hold over Gotham. 

Erastus Clark, Barclay's descendent, long becoming disillusioned with the Court's more brutal, sadistic and greedy ways decided to write a book for The Voice of the Court exposing their shortcomings. He hoped that in doing this, he could help course correct their stagnant and decrepit methods back into their more lofty goals of a new enlightenment. When this backfired and marked him and his family for execution, Clark's loyalty was finally severed. He wanted nothing more than vengeance and to destroy the Court as they had destroyed him, even if it meant posthumously.

Although his manuscript, the Historia Strigidae, was long thought lost, his grandchild continued their scion's work, not out of love for Erastus, as they had none for the architect of his family's misery, but out of an obligation not to let the Court continue their reign of terror over Gotham. 

Using a new name, Clark's grandchild scattered the pages, adding instructions on how best to use the text to bring down the Court. This plea was answered by The Gotham Knights, who used Clark's work to vastly diminish the Court's power in the city, forcing them to retreat back into the shadows. 

  • Barclay Clark
  • Erastus Clark: 
  • Gloria Clark: Left Gotham with their children to start a new life. Changed their name. 
  • 2 Sons: Moved out of Gotham with their mother. Changed their names and lived a life tormented by fear that their father's killers would come for them too. 
  • Grandchild: Forced to change their name after The Court called for the extermination of the Clark Family.

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